
Extra smooth legs

Summer is just right around the corner, or if you're lucky it's already come to you. 
We all want those silky smooth legs that you're not embarrassed to show off at the beach, and I've got a tip for you.

First you shave your legs just as usual. Then scrub your legs and drag your razor along your legs one more time.

The scrub + shaving one more time makes the dead skin cells come off and you will have super smooth legs!

You can even see the dead skin on your razor



Woke up in Caroline's bed this morning.
I like being there because it feels like my other home, also they always have chocolate milk. We spent almost all morning looking for a sofa for her new apartment. Did we score some grown-up points today or what




Yesterday I tried to do leopard print and it went quite well until I smudged it out with my top coat. OH WELL who cares in 100 years right.

peace out home dawgs



so i made a blog. do people still have blogs or is it very 2010? anyway i made one.
not sure why, i guess i need to express my feelings somewhere right.  
